1st Announcement - 8th MBK Conference

Members and Friends of MIKROBIOKOSMOS

We are happy to announce the 8th Symposium of the Hellenic Scientific Society of MIKROBIOKOSMOS which will be held between 18-20 April 2019 in the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences, Foundation of Research and Technology, in Patras.

The significant role of microbes on ecosystems functioning and in industrial processes for the production of novel high value products constitute a major driver of the research and development of the industrial sector in Greece. This need is reflected on the title of the 8th Symposium "Microbial Communities as Growth Engines from Greece". The main aim of the Symposium is to attract high quality research which is produced by the researchers of Greece and it has to do with microorganisms and their role in Environment, Energy, Agriculture, Food production and Nutrition, the Development of novel Biotechnological Processes and their use as Models for the investigation of new molecular mechanisms. Special session of the Symposium will aim to reinforce links between academic research and industry while there will presentations on the Research Infrastructures which have started to operate last year and how MIKROBIOKOSMOS and their members could access and be benefited by the new technologies offered.

An additional objective of the Symposium is to attract members of research groups from Greece and younger researchers which during the last few years have moved abroad producing high quality research in subjects which are in the core of the focus of MIKROBIOKOSMOS.

For every one of the above Thematic Areas there will be two invited speakers whose names will be announced shortly. Details about the program and the important dates for the submission of abstracts and registration dates will be announced very soon in the website of the Symposium http://mikrobiokosmos8.org/  and via  email by the organizing committee.




Dimitrios Karpouzas

President of the Hellenic Society of MikroBioKosmos

Maria Klapa

President of the Conference Organizing Committee